Nasal Profile Information
You can click on the above to see Dr. Diaz perform component reduction of the dorsum during surgery.
A beautiful nasal profile can dramatically improve the overall balance and appearance of the face. It is the result of a delicate interplay between multiple delicate structures of the nose. For this reason, the nasal profile has been carefully studied by artists and surgeons throughout history.
In order to create the most beautiful result requires superior experience and skill. Dr. Diaz has extensive experience creating natural and beautiful results.
The profile of the nose refers to the shape of the outline of the bridge of the nose. The bridge of the nose is called the “dorsum.”
The profile of the dorsum is composed of the outline of the nasal bones, the upper lateral cartilages and the nasal septum. Each of these structures is considered a component of the entire dorsum. In total, there are 5 different components (2 nasal bones, 2 upper lateral cartilages and 1 nasal septum).
Dr. Diaz uses what is called the “Component Reduction” technique to shape the profile. This technique refers to individually modifying each component of the dorsum, step by step. This allows for greater control over the shape of the profile.
There are subtle differences between the ideal profile in male or female noses. In general, however, the nasal profile should be
straight. A slight barely noticeable “dip” at the junction between the dorsum and the tip of the nose is considered aesthetically pleasing. This tiny dip is called the “supratip break.”