Blog – Tummy Tuck – Creation Of New Umbilicus
The last step in a tummy tuck, usually, is to create the “new” umbilicus, or belly button. Before the incisions are fully closed, Dr. Diaz makes a note of where the patient’s belly button is positioned. A mark is made on the abdominal skin corresponding to this site on the external surface. Once the incisions […]
Blog – Tummy Tuck – Waist Reshaping
Once the excess skin and fat is removed, the waist is examined to determine if additional reshaping can be done. Most patients benefit from liposuction of the waist area to improve the shape of the waistline. Liposuction, therefore, is almost always performed with a tummy tuck to enhance the result. This step removes excess fat […]
Blog – Tummy Tuck – Removal Of Excess Tissue
Once the dissection is completed, the belly button has been addressed, and the muscles have been tightened to correct the diastasis, it is then time to remove the excess tissue. The abdominal skin and fat is pulled down to determine how much excess tissue there is. Once this is determined, the skin is marked for […]
Blog – Tummy Tuck – Progressive Tension Suture
The placement of progressive tension sutures is an additional special technique used by Dr. Diaz. This involves using strategically placed stitches along the inside of the abdomen which helps the abdominal skin and fat layer adhere to the underlying abdominal muscles. This ensures a more secure closure of the wound. This technique has been found […]
Blog – Tummy Tuck – Preparation Of Abdomen
Once the belly button has been separated from the surrounding tissue, the abdomen is then prepared for the rest of the operation. Dissection of the abdomen continues upward, past the belly button, up to the top of the abdomen. This dissection removes the attachments of the abdominal skin and fat to the underlying muscles. This […]
Tummy Tuck Blog
Dr Diaz has written and organized breast augmentation articles to help patients across the world understand the important aspects of the topic, and to help patients know what to ask their doctors they are receiving initial consultations from. He hopes this information will help you choose the best doctor for you. […]
Blog – Tummy Tuck – Pain Relief
Dr. Diaz and his team take extra steps to ensure your recovery is as easy and comfortable as possible. These include things done, not only before and after surgery, but during the surgery as well. Dr. Diaz injects a special medication into the muscles and other tissues of the abdomen during surgery in order to […]
Blog – Tummy Tuck – Incision Closure
Before the incision is fully closed, Dr. Diaz examines the sides of the incision to prevent “dog ear” formation. A “dog ear” is an excess amount of folded skin that can be present at the sides of the tummy tuck incision. When this occurs, it is unsightly and bothersome. Dr. Diaz designs the incision to […]
Blog – Tummy Tuck – Incision
On the morning of surgery, before the surgery is begun, a marking pen is used to design the incision that will be made. This is designed to be as low as possible. It is also designed to be as even and symmetric as possible. This is determined using careful measurements that are taken before surgery […]